Thursday, September 9, 2010

learning through variety

The latest cognitive studies, as reported in the NY Times, suggest that by altering your physical environment, changing what you're studying rather than slogging away on one subject, and regularly testing, all actually help people learn better.
Trying to recall and forgetting means you need to relearn before you continue.

So the old adage – repetition repetition! – holds its own with the latest from neurological lab data.

Teachers always said, go back over new content within a day and then again within a week to really let it sink in.

The changed environment resulting in better learning and remembering findings are fascinating. Maybe this is why you remember a book you read on holidays, more than the one you read in your bed. And why the classes you had outside, or in a different room are the one's that stick in your head.

So we do need to take breaks, and mix it up.

Variety is the spice of life and the spice of learning too.

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